The Black Flower, From The Pragmatic Pure and Simple Series, 2015
Lamda print, limited edition. Signed and dated by the artist, not by her mother or uncles. 
I have digitally manioulated the flower in photoshop and made different versions. When photographing the flower I don't remember their being protusions resembling hands, it's a witty digital flourish that has been added to the image. 
I'm proud to say, due to my lack of pragmatism, no five pound notes, pencils, clean plates, snacks, kidney bean curries, notebooks,18 years rental income,my inheritance from my grandparents, international herbs, pastels or missing art receipts are included with this artwork. I'm ashamed to say due to an overly developed sense of idealism, no bereaved children have been defrauded in the making of this artwork, no sister in laws have been slept with and no family members have been strangled. 
This artwork is a closeup of a flower that was photographed in the garden of a very sweet South American lady, she lived down the road from me in Chingford. She had a charmingly colourful garden that livened up a row of prosaic houses. One day I plucked up the courage, knocked on her door and asked if she would mind my photographing her exquisite flowers. she didn't. The woman evidently had a creative flair for gardening and it was a delight to spend hours pottering around her gardens. Photographing her flowers reminded me of my grandfather's gardens in India, it also reminded me that gardening is a profound act of love, care and nurturing that requires a certain amount of honor, integrity and character.